The incarnations of the soul, the soul lives
Please note:
This video is about the extension of consciousness. Every human soul passes through the stages of development shown. It's wrong to associate them with categories like good/bad, stupid/smart etc. All stages are of equal importance. People behave according to the respective consciousness. People with a different consciousness, however, show serious differences that are presented. The photos and video clips shown are non-binding symbol images. The author doesn't claim to have correctly assessed the people shown.
1. Basics
The human being has a physical body with its sensual perceptions and needs. The human being has an emotional body, which is also called the astral body or kama. The human being has a mental body - manas - its mental faculty. Thinking and feeling are mostly mixed in humans (the mind, kama manas). This leads to indecisiveness and/or emotional outbursts (emotions), because prejudices suppress or amplify feelings. Conversely, fear prevents logical thinking.
"Psyche" means "soul" in Greek. Both terms are often used for the feeling faculty or the mind.
One speaks of diseases of the psyche or the mind. However, the soul in the sense of this video can never be ill – it is only more or less inexperienced. The human being has a personality (alias ego or character) - the sum of the three bodies mentioned. Besides the two mentioned subtle bodies of the human being (feeling & thinking) there are more. Most important here is intuition, the voice of the soul.
The energies of the human constituion: Denken = thinking, Fühlen = feeling
Thinking and feeling exist independently of the physical body and continue after death. Humans think and feel neither with their brain nor with their guts. They feel with their subtle astral body alias kama. They think with their subtle mental body alias manas. The brain with its neurons and synapses is only the interface between body and mind.
Humans have as many personalities as incarnations, and there are many of them. These are perceived historically as a linear sequence. These numerous incarnations – also called soul-lives - in reality all take place at the same time.
We call the eternal, primeval source of the cosmos spirit (will, intelligence, love and so on). Basically nothing can be said about it. It doesn't have any qualities. Spirit is an indefinable, non-physical energy that represents the unity of all being. Spirit moves, animates EVERYTHING from "the background".
Spirit contains a potential that is realizing. Since nothing does not exist - there is no real vacuum - the only possible opposition to unity is separation. Spirit creates the seemingly separate souls to consciously experience himself as God from this perspective.
The material universe and above all the incarnations of the souls – the humans - serve it as mirrors.
Without a mirror - a counterpart - nobody and nothing can recognize himself/herself/itself. The soul is an inseparable part of spirit and at first does not know what separation means. It is indestructible as well as immortal and does not know transience 'initially' from own experience.
The soul is extremely dynamic and creative. She creates extreme situations that she experiences and then understands. The soul is not concerned with good or bad, it wants to understand both. The soul does not so much study the sequence of material events, she is concerned with feelings, thoughts, intentions, insights and decisions of the incarnated personality.
It is about dealing with these phenomena within the physical limitations. The soul is above ethics and morals. The soul dresses in the living body and the emotional and mental body of the earthly personality.
The human being is the soul.
In order to reach the state of separateness, man must forget who he really is and what he can do. This amnesia (veil of oblivion) occurs when passing through the birth canal. Our three-dimensional space-time is a school of experience that the spirit has permitted, so that souls can try out new conditions. About 20% of all incidents within an incarnation are the result of free will. Usually it is much less because the majority of people do not really utilize their free will. The other 80% of the decisions an incarnated personality makes on earth, are carefully planned in advance by the soul in coordination with other souls. Otherwise, life on Earth would be a chaos.
The life contents planned by the soul are called "karmic". The choice of a long-term partner, for example, is always karmic, based on prenatal arrangements. Karma has nothing to do with punishment or reward however. Through karma, the soul only ensures that all desired experiences actually take place. The soul leaves only insignificant things to chance. Instead of a dachshund and Pilsener it could have been a shepherd dog or a Lion brew.
Every incarnated soul does exactly what it thinks is right. "Right" is here a function of the age of the soul. Each soul plans its life in its own decision and coordinates it with the other souls involved. Each soul is part of a soul family with over 1000 souls; this is part of the soul tribe, etc.
2. The age of the souls
Like human life, the incarnation cycle can be divided into age groups with different levels of consciousness. Human consciousness is fed by intuition, thinking, feeling and sensory perception.
The older and more experienced a soul is, the more it perceives, above all about herself. The path of the soul through the incarnations enables expansion of consciousness through comprehension and grasping.
Soul age:
1) Baby soul
2) Child soul
3) Young soul
4) Mature soul
5) Old soul
The incarnation cycle of the souls on earth in the last 10,000 years includes about 70 to 90 lives (so it seems to the incarnated personalities). These take place over a historical period of 6000 to 8000 years. The interval between incarnations is about 70 years, but is currently decreasing considerably. Large soul settlements took place every 2000 years. The last one took place between 1000 - 1700 CE. No new baby souls have been added in the last 300 years.
Please note that here we formulate as it appears to people who perceive time as linear. However, we would like to point out once again that this view is illusory. All incarnations take place simultaneously and constantly influence each other.
Duration of the cycle:
Baby soul - 10-15 lives
Child soul - 15-20 lives
Young soul - 20-25 lives
Mature soul - 25-30 lives
Old soul - 10-15 lives
The current soul population on earth:
10 - 15% baby souls
20% child souls
45% young souls
20 - 25% mature souls
< 4% old souls
The soul population on earth is always mixed and includes souls of all ages. Their proportion, however, changes as history progresses. Therefore, the history of mankind appears as a sequence of declines and heydays, depending on how high the proportion of mature and old souls is at a given historical moment.
At the beginning of the new era (CE) many old souls ended their incarnation cycle. In the remaining soul population, the baby and child souls predominated. This explains the decline of the Roman Empire and the so-called dark ages of the following Mediaevial times.
The individual soul incarnates 70 to 90 times in a period of about 6,000 to 8,000 years.
That's why she every time finds historical conditions, which she herself created and shaped in earlier incarnations. She must develop them further or tear them down after completion.
Collective phenomena such as religions are complex energetic events. They are continued over several incarnations. They are part of the framework within which the unfolding of the incarnated souls takes place.
The needs of the incarnated soul population change due to the growing soul age. Collective projects must therefore be dismantled and replaced by new ones. Energy must flow: it is constantly in motion. Development without destruction or reconstruction of material and spiritual forms is not possible.
This circumstance explains why the history of mankind is not an upward spiral, but of blossom and decline. The present world religions developed within a short period of 600-800 years, i.e. in 4-5 successive incarnations. They have unfolded their effect within the young soul cycle of the last 2000-2500 years (in about 20 lives).
Religions are collective mental projects, initiated by old souls and implemented in a falsified way by child souls and young souls. They are now losing more and more of their importance and will eventually come to an end. The world religions will not survive the current turn of eras. After that they are no longer needed because there are not enough children and young souls who prefer them.
Mature and old souls will then dominate.
3. Baby souls
Most baby souls live in Third World countries under the protection of extended families. There they can because of various diseases also leave the body early, if life becomes too threatening. These souls are the most anxious at all and constantly look for the proximity of the mother especially in the first years of their lives. All their attention is devoted to the body and the satisfaction of its needs.
In Germany about 6% of the population are baby souls. Some of them are handicapped people who, thanks to the prevailing prosperity, can be provided for all around. The baby soul feels most comfortable when it can constantly enjoy physical contact. Helpless in life, she feels comfortable and secure only in the extended family, surrounded by many relatives.
Baby souls are not able to develop far-reaching thoughts or actions. They do not have any influence on society and do not assume any self-responsibility. They feel unjustly expelled into the cruel, cold world of older souls. The baby soul enjoys a still largely unhindered connection to the soul worlds. Although the divine is perceived as omnipresent, it is threatening, punitive and evil. The baby soul adopts the religion of its parents. This usually has pantheistic features. Unconscious fears are her constant companion.
Baby souls avoid direct eye contact. They also often suffer from eye diseases. The baby soul can not imagine that other people have different knowledge, thinking and feeling than they do. Psychology describes this as the absence of a "theory of mind". When the childhood environment is experienced as hostile, retreat occurs and autism can develop. Baby souls and autistic people respectively cannot lie "because everyone knows the same" – as they think.
If the enmity is experienced later in life, cruel acts of violence can occur. The baby soul learns without the division of actions into good and bad. One can, however, condition them to a behavior conforming to society. They can read, write and learn the multiplication tables. However, they are not enthusiastic about higher education.
The baby soul only feels love in the form of sexual lust. She wants as many offspring as possible in order to be provided for in old age.
4. The child soul
These souls continue to choose sheltered living conditions and carefully approach the challenges of life. Like small children, they need an environment that is still largely intact and manageable, in a large extended family or in traditional societies with little social dynamism and stable conditions. In childhood, the incarnated child soul adopts unshakable views from the people around it. These give her apparent security and support in the turbulence of life. When someone takes a different view, open hostility can easily arise.
The child soul becomes more adaptable to the difficult conditions of incarnation. She lives between painfully felt dependence and the desire for independence. She is finally ready to explore the world, the you, the other. Her attention is carefully directed to the outer world, which she conquers and slowly grasps. The child soul realizes that through its actions it either becomes a victim itself or makes others a victim.
Like children after the age of 5, the child soul increasingly loses her connection to inner truth. She therefore begins to punish people who get guilty herself. However, she does not yet accept any responsibility for the consequences of her deeds. "The ones up there" or "the others in general" are all to blame. She accuses social grievances, but does nothing to change anything. Instead, she goes into the role of the victim.
The child soul relies in a multitude of "good" and "bad" instances. She firmly believes in the power of evil. Through her prayers she wants to force the gods to do what she herself cannot do. Towards the end of the cycle, the child soul begins to believe in a single authoritarian God. Child souls are often unfocused, easily irritable and unhappy for a long time without knowing the reason. They are like little children who have reached the limits of their physical capacity and do not know how to deal with their tiredness and irritability.
Many countries of the 3rd world are mostly inhabited by baby and child souls. In the industrialized countries, a high proportion of child souls can be found among the rural population and in the slums of the big cities.
The 4th Chakra (heart Chakra) acts preferentially on the thymus gland. About this Chakra
feelings such as love, devotion, compassion are controlled, affection, sensitivity, joy of heart. With child and young souls the 4th Chakra is still largely closed. Child and young souls love and do not know what love is. They are influenced by fears, but they are not aware of these fears. This is partly because the soul at this age wants to promote the development of the lower three Chakras, and partly because it doesn't want the feelings of fear to get too high. The conscious perception of fear only occurs when the 4th Chakra is opened. This is a task for mature and old souls.
The child soul looks at her sexuality with a blurred anxiety. If society supports this, she will develop a sense of shame. The open living out of honest sexuality is rather embarrassing for the child soul. She will try to pull her compatriots down to her repressive sexual morals. In private life, the child soul is usually just as prudish. She is rather averse to any kind of sensual pleasure.
The child soul leads an externally determined, still largely unconscious life. Child- and young souls around the turn of time confused the laws of the Old Testament with the law of a real God. They were willing to submit to the authorities and the strict social norms. They knew no mercy to enforce them by raw power. This also applied to the majority of the population in the Roman Empire at that time and still applies to the majority of today's world population.
5. The young soul
In the early days of the great world religions, the earth was predominantly populated by baby and child souls on the threshold to the young soul cycle. These immature souls could still directly perceive the oneness with All-There-Is and felt addressed by naturalistic and pantheistic religions. The new cycle of young souls brought with it a shift away from the spiritual connection and a turning towards the outer material world.
Young souls develop under maximum amnesia. The soul is no longer directly accessible to them.
They can only accept the existence of the soul as an external Gnostic teaching and reject it only towards the end of the young soul cycle in order to experience the total dominion of the mind as an agnostic ego. Agnostic means the denial of supernatural knowledge.
For this reason, the world religions must act as strict external authorities to cast a spell over the outwardly oriented personality of the young soul: e.g. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus - outside the church no salvation. Thus the individual "ego" of the young soul, which until then had been very weakly developed, is firmly anchored in the material history of mankind and experiences its bloom.
The founders of the world religions were old souls: Jesus alias Apollonius of Tyana, Krishna alias Christ, Buddha etc. They wanted to contribute to the development of the newly incarnated souls. However, they had to dress their message in a form that took into account the limited perception of child and young souls: legends, parables, simple language.
For these old souls - e.g. Plotin, Zarathustra - the existence of the causal realms (soul realms) was an irrevocable fact, which they could experience immediately in the state of ecstasy and leave behind in a simplified written form. The following young souls had to be content with the religious books and rituals in order to catch something of the transcendental experience. The direct experience of the divine of ancient souls was replaced by life in religious communities. These are decisively influenced by the fear structure of the child- and young souls. This explains why the divine was only lived according to the word but not experienced itself. This is how the fear-laden religious ideas like hell and devil were born. This creates exorcisms, witch burns and inquisition.
False religious beliefs have shaped earthly existence to this day, e.g. pederasty or kosher food or kosher or halal slaughter.
At the time of Jesus in the 1st century CE baby- and child souls were in the majority. Jesus turned to the child souls and brought about their rapid transformation into the cycle of the young soul, which preferably behaves warlike. The Christian age is typical of a young soul population.
Greek philosophers as well as Original Christians taught spirituality as an inner process of consciousness expansion. This is clearly proven by the Gnostic texts of Nag Hammadi and Qumran.
However, the soul potential was shifted by the church to the outside and transferred to the mythological figures "God the Father", "Son" and "Holy Spirit".
This was a psychological magic trick from the fear box of the child- and young souls and had very far-reaching consequences. The Gospel of John set decisive accents for the deification of Jesus.
Another sun cult arose. When "God" is seen as somebody external instead of internal (the soul), then it opens the door to unrestrained power - so typical for young souls. The young-soul popes and rulers have always worked together in the best possible way. If religion were lived as an internal private affair, this abuse of power would not be possible.
The mind of the young souls quickly departed from the soul and eventually denied the soul's existence altogether and transferred its creative potential to external instances. This should legitimize the emancipation of the personality from the soul. The young souls preferred to submit to external gods and commandments. This should legitimize the emancipation of personality from the soul as the inner voice of truth. But the young souls are not aware that their gods were invented by powerful rulers. The story of Moses with the law tablets, for example, was not a historical event.
Young souls make up the majority of the earth's population. They are shaping today's society
according to their ideas. They need many frustrating experiences to unfold. The incarnation process is a painful experience on the way to cognition. Faith must be replaced by knowledge. That's what the young souls still lack completely.
Therefore, the ambitious young soul attaches great importance to higher education. At the moment, the levers of power (politicians, managers, board members, etc.) are all young souls. There they want to achieve power, wealth and status through their incarnation plan: e.g. Lloyd C. Blankfein, CEO Goldman Sachs says: ''I am doing god´s work''. In their game of separation, they learn to distinguish very precisely between friend (like) and enemy (different).
They are always interested in the outer show. Everything that falls under "evil" is ruthlessly tried out. All the wars of mankind can be traced back to the mindset of the young souls. Of course, this also includes the so-called "hidden elites", who from the background control the events.
Young souls have a limited short-sighted egocentric perception of reality. They act according to the archaic motto "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". A young soul or nation like the American one needs several defeats - one Vietnam is not enough to learn the lesson that you can never make peace by force.
This is especially true for the Americans, because as young souls they deeply hate failure and willingly blame the poor for their misery. Every deep insecurity of a young soul activates its adopted beliefs and prejudices. The young soul wants to have control over the events, because she denies the supporting power of the soul. This causes the young soul to sink deeper and deeper into the mud of its own missteps.
Young souls identify themselves with the material requirements of society and ruthlessly pursue their ascent without ethical considerations. Young souls affirm the principle of competition and adhere to rigid, acquired values that are not critically questioned. They are ready to impose these superficial "values" without respect for life. Their ability to love is still very limited.
The young soul type can change historically from the crusader and conqueror of the New World to the ruthless capitalist. However, her direction remains the same, and is essentially about the unreflected manipulation of the outside world - matter and fellow humans. In this soul age doing replaces being, outer success is all that counts.
Religious young souls often follow missionarily a rigid sex morality. Many young souls, however, prefer a frequent change of sex partners despite self-imposed taboos. Preferred are "partners" who defend themselves or withdraw – to conquer satisfied more. They are rarely willing to take responsibility for their actions.
The young soul strives for security such as material possessions, stable conditions, regulations, laws, firm habits, rigid routines, etc. The young soul is defined by appearance, reputation and social status. Progress is defined only as a quantitative increase in material goods. The young souls can't think about themselves and question themselves. Therefore the young souls live in a constant contradiction between claim and reality. Because of the distortions caused by their fear structure, the young souls cannot perceive this objectively.
Modern society, with its limited view, hypocrisy, double morality and aggressiveness, is a prime example of the behavior of this soul population. From the naive view of the young souls they however act according to their best knowledge and conscience. In this way they succeed in making the worst mistakes, which lead to maximum learning success. They don't want to make mistakes and yet they only learn about their grandiose "mistakes". Experience of serenity and wisdom are reserved for mature and old souls.
Not only suffering and inflicting suffering are tried out, but also first conscious acts of love or lovelessness.The baby- and child souls are not yet aware of their behavior. The young soul suspects that actions have consequences - for better or for worse. Since the young soul does not consider a karmic complement to its actions, punishment must take place in this world. She pleads for relentless austerity.
The young soul cannot forgive herself for not being perfect. That is why it demands perfection from others. Mistakes are just not allowed to happen. The young soul must constantly attract attention in order to polish up her weak self-esteem. She is therefore very careful about her appearance and wants to attract attention in a variety of ways.
The young soul is a group and mass human being and wants to be like the others. Therefore she constantly compares herself with others and makes them bad when they are better. Envy and jealousy are her most frequent companions.
Individuals with a young soul are usually healthy, even if they do not consciously pay attention to their body. This robustness is deliberate and pre-programmed by the soul. The body of a young soul is enveloped by the densest energetic layers with the lowest frequencies of fear. This is the optimal adaptation to earthly separation at the expense of the soul dimension and prevents the emergence of inner contradictions. Because of this specific energetic construction, the young souls are inaccessible to transcendent cognition.
Losers are despised by the young soul. She blames them for the failure. Failures and dissidents are excluded. Social commitment is used as a business. If the young soul fails, then it looks for the causes for its failure with other humans or regards its misfortune as fate. It's never her own fault.
She knows no mercy of compassion or love and leaves order to the heartless law and its guardians.
The young soul lives in uncritical adaptation. Deep psychological conflicts are reserved for mature souls. The theme of guilt and atonement plays a central role in the cycle of the young soul. The concept of duality or polarity is the most important characteristic of the Christian age, in theology as well as in politics.
For the young soul harmony has little value, it is booked on fight. Many forms of communal life were introduced by the young souls for the sole purpose of expressing their arrogance and their craving for recognition. In many respects the young souls behave like firmly programmed bio-robots. The motto of the young soul yuppie is "young, beautiful, rich". When the older age comes, cosmetic surgery supposedly helps.
6. The mature soul
The cycle of the mature soul is the most difficult and the longest at the same time. It begins with an uncertainty and disillusionment of the incarnated personality. The mature soul sees problems everywhere, where there were no difficulties for the young soul.
The freshly baked mature soul must learn to deal with its very own fears. She must learn to take responsibility. The attention turns inwards to explore the inner-soul dimensions. Karmic connections that have taken place in the cycle of the young soul must be resolved in a responsible way.
The ability to love increases and the occupation with individual behaviors becomes significant. The personality becomes independent of social norms and develops an unmistakable individuality. The mature soul begins to feel the close connection with the soul worlds. She tends to experience this connection with psychedelic means directly. She searches for spiritual fulfillment in esoteric schools and gets to know different forms of meditation. She can take life very seriously and stand in her own way.
The mature soul experiences the vulnerability and transience of the human body through illness. Diseases are by no means a technical failure of the body, as one assumes in medicine, but intentional experiences of the soul. As a rule, they are an expression of anxiety states that are not directly perceived by the mind. Therefore, they must manifest on the physical level. They are a teaching tool of the soul with which it trains the human mind and from whose experiences it profits and grows. For this reason, a chronic disease cannot be completely cured until the psychic concept has changed and the lesson anchored in the soul plan has been learned.
The mature soul is confronted with her illness, consciously works with her fears and finally learns to deal with them. Here free will is left a wide scope, one can consciously decide for health or illness. The decisive factor here is the size of the fear. Therefore, many mature souls are currently experiencing an accumulation of diseases that suddenly strike them and immobilize them. Thus the mature souls want to complete their physical tasks quickly before the actual evolutionary leap and gain valuable experience before they enter the cycle of the old souls with different requirements.
These diseases have a double function: on the one hand they are part of the mental plan, on the other hand they give those concerned the opportunity to move away from professional and domestic everyday life in order to reflect on themselves and the world. They are given the opportunity to overcome their fear mentally and to strengthen their mind.
A part of our diseases are deliberate irreversible decisions of the soul. They cannot be avoided by the mind through any strategy. In this case one speaks of karmic diseases. However, most diseases are caused by a disharmony between mind and body. Such diseases can be cured if the psychological causes of anxiety are eliminated. The rest of the diseases are caused by neglect or damage to the body through all sorts of toxins.
Mature souls make up about 20% of the world's population. They have adjusted to these conditions. They quietly quarrel with their fears, which they experience on behalf of the young souls.They blame themselves why they adapt so badly to the social conditions of the young souls and do not advance socially. Few mature souls in the present incarnation have chosen an influential or successful life course, knowing full well that sooner or later the system will collapse and it will be beneficial not to be near the debris heap.
Unfortunately the earthly personalities know very little about these far-sighted plans of their souls and find life very difficult. In the world of young souls they provide accents, think more farsightedly, see larger contexts, be interested in fairness and balance. While the young soul was focused on competition, enforcement, success, it is now empathy, cooperation and authenticity. The energy of teaching and learning prevails. Libraries and bookstores are visited, the Internet is searched to learn as much as possible about cultures and attitudes of life. Self-help literature is also widely used, and education of all kinds is a high priority. This constant search often leads to confusion and the feeling of being overtaxed. After all, the mature personality makes the right intuitive decisions.
Religion is no longer dogma but social togetherness. In this way, alternative teachings can also be tried out and accepted. The meaning of life is the most important question.
Mature souls understand predominantly in relationships. They are interested in the content and feelings in a relationship because they recognize themselves through it. Relationships are intense and often dramatic when perception is distorted by fear. Drama is based on illusions and causes suffering. These souls are very concerned with their own suffering and that of others in order to learn from it. The knowledge of being able to learn through joy in the same way comes at the earliest at the end of this cycle, but mostly during the old age of the soul.
Mature souls say, "Do whatever you want, but please don't do it near me." Opinions can be of equal value, as long as they are not negatively affecting oneself. The partner may live out his individuality without losing the positive attention. Many relationships, many experiences of letting go and disappointments, but also moments of happiness and deep insights. But what the mature souls seek on the outside, they finally find on the inside, within themselves.
Mature souls usually have a good sense of humor. They like the little "funny" jokes that are never meant hostile. Constructive communication is the be-all and end-all for mature souls. Many mature souls yield in doubt and submit instead of fighting for their freedom.
The mature soul often chooses helping professions for children, the sick, the old, the disadvantaged, etc. The mature soul willingly takes responsibility for others as well as for itself.
When something happens that was not planned, the mature soul blames itself excessively.
The mature soul no longer identifies with wealth and power, but enjoys deserved prosperity and prestige.
7. The old soul
The Dalai Lama says: "Intense emotions distort perception". Within the souls incarnated on Earth, there are clear differences in individual perception depending on the age of the soul. The smaller the individual and collective fear, the less distorted the perception. Therefore, the perception of an old soul that is diminished in fear is more objective than that of a younger soul. In an old soul, the densest layers of anxiety in the astral body - which prevent the exchange of information with the soul - are largely degraded. In the consciousness of such a personality the objective perception of the soul prevails.
In comparison to the baby-, child- and young soul, the consciousness of an incarnated old soul has been significantly expanded. Old souls can recognize connections that a young soul does not see. The young soul ignores these connections with an unconscious fear. The old soul cannot currently explain in a comprehensible way how it arrives at important insights that are denied to the majority of immature souls. These findings are therefore not "socially acceptable". They are little honored nor followed, although they provide important clues about the present and future development of mankind.
In former times old souls were worshiped as spiritual leaders and their statements were respected.
Today's outward facing, materialistic society consists mainly of young souls. With their narrow psycho-mental needs, they do not tolerate differences, let alone the superiority of others.
The objective, transcendent perception of an old soul therefore proves to be a social disadvantage. Young souls hate nothing more than otherness, especially when they cannot comprehend it. This fear-conditioned impulse of total rejection is predominant in today's world. It leads to many cruel acts from mobbing to war and genocide.
The old soul, on the other hand, increasingly develops an almost childlike innocence and playfulness, because it has become tired of the protracted search of the mature soul. She lives on the fringes of society or she takes over super ordinate tasks of the soul family and chooses a difficult career path. The old soul needs a lot of time for introspection and works with its fear-diminished mind mainly in the private sector.
She is often cared for by young- or mature souls and no longer develops social ambition. She only has a few earthly tasks left to complete, which she also masters playfully. She loves to observe nature or to work as a craftsman. She can draw from the immeasurable treasure of her experiences. She is therefore very versatile.
Because an old soul seldom has to exert itself, it seems to most serious young and precocious souls to be rather superficial. Since for them the inner-soul dimension is not yet a fixed quantity, the young souls cannot guess the depth of the "lightness of being" of the old souls. They are in the middle of their incarnation cycle and consider the upcoming tasks to be very difficult and serious.
Young souls, in particular, have no understanding for the "cosmic humor" of the old soul, with which it easily masters its life.
The old soul meets very few friends from other incarnations on Earth. Most have completed their incarnation cycle. The young souls are of little use to an old soul. She lives in a social solitude soaked in the insatiable longing for union with her soul family. Her main task is to manage the tension between the demands of physicality and the dissolution of personality. Many outsiders and relegates, who are considered by the young souls with collective contempt, are old souls. They are citizens of the world, feel at home everywhere, but prefer the silence of the countryside.
As with all soul ages, there are also seven different stages of development for the old souls. The examples shown are differently developed - some already illuminated. All ages of souls are equally significant. There are no abbreviations.
Within the framework of the present process of transformation, the mature souls will enter into the cycle of the old souls. For the first time in the recent history of the Earth, about ¼ of the incarnated souls on Earth will be old. They will exert an intense spiritual influence that they have not been able to achieve so far.
Esoteric schools are an offer of mature souls who have turned away from organized religion. Science is an offer to the young and mature souls to train their minds. However, there is nothing new to discover because the material nature is created by us as souls. Therefore, there is only one intellectual achievement that we must perform in order to grow spiritually.
It is about remembering who we really are: immortal souls, becoming gods.
What's the last thing the old soul has to overcome? It's the fear of the transience of the body. The fear of death is programmed into the cells. The fear of "death" is the greatest fear of all. It is also the biggest barrier to the ability to love. An old soul is recognized by its self-awareness, by its depth and its inner peace.
8. The essence
Expansion of consciousness through comprehension. Decrease in anxiety, increase in love ability and compassion.
Baby soul: first steps in a protected environment, such as the extended family. Animistic - instinctive, magical - pantheistic
Child soul: further steps in stable societies. "I do what I am told, that is best for me."
Young soul: conquest of the world, fear remains unconscious. Gods as myths - exercise of power.
I-Me-My-Mineitis: materialistic fun society.
Mature soul: Dealing with fear, pain, suffering. Education, science. Idealistic, humanistic, sensitive.
Compassion, encouragement, joy.
Old souls: Fear goes into the background. Love, wisdom comes to the fore. A sense of beauty and harmony. Wide, integrating, holistic view of the world.
Varda Hasselmann & Frank Schmolke: Archetypen der Seele. Goldmann Verlag