Wissen für das Leben auf der Neuen Erde


Thoughts on the English term MIND and its German equivalents

The translation of the English word "mind" into German is an ambiguous matter. In the following we will pick out the most important possibilities for spiritual texts and explain them, because the word "mind" is often found there, but is expressed in a much more differentiated way in German than in English:
Deepl Translator & give the following relevant possibilities here: 1. intellect, ability to think, thinking, thought, way of thinking   2. mind   3. soul, psyche   4. spirit   5. consciousness, being aware

"Mind" can be interpreted as spirit, whereby spirit first of all generally stands for the normal human mental and intellectual thought processes or for everything that is stated above under 1. The word spirit is used here in connection with the tripartite division body soul spirit. The word soul here, like the word psyche, describes the emotional realm. One speaks, for example, of mental or psychic illnesses or of mentally ill or even emotionally ill or of illnesses caused by feelings or emotions. These can produce physical symptoms, somatise themselves; then one speaks of psychosomatic illnesses.

However, the words soul and psyche are also used for our immortal Higher Self (spark of God) (see below), and this cannot be sick, of course. Man can only prevent the soul from fully asserting itself in life because of its imagined separation from All THAT IS, which is caused by the veil of forgetfulness (amnesia).

A significant difference exists between intellect or intellectuality and intelligence. In the worst case, an intellectual is a person of whom it is said that he is predominantly only "in his head", i.e. occupied with thinking, and who suppresses his area of feeling as much as possible. Such people disregard feelings in general and compassion as well as loving interaction with fellow human beings in particular. They speak pejoratively of sentimentalism, we call them rational-mental cripples.

Intelligence is a balanced synthesis of thinking, feeling and intuition (see below). OSHO also calls it intelligence of the heart. The well-known intelligence quotient only measures intellectuality. In order to comprehend the whole human being, other intelligence quotients (e.g. emotional or social intelligence) have to be considered.

"Divine Mind" could be interpreted as Holy Spirit or Heavenly Spirit, whereby the Christian colouring within the Trinity points to a phenomenon of its own.
"Divine Mind" can be translated as Divine Spirit. The word Spirit then stands for thinking, one could also say Divine Mind is the thinking of God. In Neo-Platonism one also speaks of Nous and Logos.
In the context in which in occult as well as esoteric literature the thinking of God is spoken of, however, it is not about a personal God (old man with beard) as in Christianity, but about a very high vibrating energy (see e.g. next paragraph). Interestingly, Allah is not a personal god in Islam either, but rather a principle, and is therefore not represented.

"Divine Mind" could be interpreted as Divine Spirit and stand for the spirit (energy) that animates and animates everything, i.e. for All THAT IS. Here Divine Consciousness would also be possible. All THAT IS has always been there, or in other words, it is the basis of everything, and there is nothing other. All-This-IS manifests in Creation as Divine Consciousness and yet it is one and the same energy - only in different frequencies.

"Mind" can also be interpreted as thinking ability or thinking (Sanskrit: Manas) - here one can distinguish between lower and higher thinking ability or thinking. Lower mind stands for the thinking of most people (KamaManas) that is dominated or at least coloured by feelings and trained patterns (conditioning); here, the terms reason and ratio are also used, which we have defined on this page.
Higher mind stands for the intuition (BuddhiManas) from the higher levels. This is the higher mind, the higher thinking faculty of the immortal soul, the higher self also called EGO or in classical Greece (e.g. Plotinus) psyche, in contrast to the lower self, ego, personality. At present, through the incoming energies from the sun as well as from the entire cosmos, our intuition (the Divine Mind) is massively strengthened as an inner simultaneous knowledge.

Intuitive inputs do not come at the push of a button for most people, but only when the (immortal) soul manages to perforate the filter of the personality or push it aside for a short time. This succeeds most easily in moments of peace and relaxation, but also when, for example, an author is writing a book in a concentrated and focused manner. Also in meditation or dreams the message can flash up. Intuition provides answers to unsolvable questions as well as impulses for action and, among other things, ideas for artistic works or the solution of scientific problems - this is where geniuses cavort. Intuitive inputs are usually rather unusual, unexpected and not very socially acceptable and often require a way of acting that is little respected or condemned by the environment.

It is therefore not easy for "beginners" to implement the wise advice of the soul (the intuitive input). Here a relationship of trust must develop and the personality must - at least temporarily - abdicate. The more often intuition is followed, the easier it flows. At least in the long term, but often immediately apparent, actions based on intuition are always just right for the person concerned. They also recognize this and this reinforces an intuitively controlled life. Therefore, intuition has essentially to do with discrimination: the person knows at that moment exactly what is appropriate for him.

By the way: the often mentioned gut feeling  has nothing to do with intuition, but with instinct and impulsive action. This is located in the reptilian brain and is one of the fully automatic survival strategies. Intuition comes from the higher self, from the soul, the immortal spark of God, and becomes conscious and applicable through the cerebral cortex (neocortex).

Intuition flows all the better, the less learned patterns a person has. It is therefore extremely helpful to systematically dissolve these patterns. It can help if a person deliberately does things that he was forbidden to do in childhood and youth when he was threatened with punishment - but which have not made sense for a long time. The person concerned then notices that the punishment does not take place and thus the pattern fades into the background. Finally it should be mentioned that very many mediums channel their own Higher Self, their soul, even if they give this source another name. This is also intuition.

Very good interpretations of "Divine Mind" are therefore intuitive thinking and intuitive cognition. The human being is now increasingly enabled to finally think intuitively, logically and without contradiction, starting from the primary term in the sense of the Universal Law of Georgi Stankov. This is now possible, since all the solar and cosmic energies flowing in during the last few years have enabled a massive cleansing of the planet and of human beings, so that they can now think without fear, which is the prerequisite for logical thinking.
Intuition - just like lower thinking - can also be evaluated and coloured by the human emotional sphere (Kama). In both cases there can then be outbursts of feelings, which are called emotions (evaluated feelings). In any case, the lower everyday thinking as well as the intuitive thinking will be distorted or wrong. One also speaks here of wishful thinking. This wishing or greedy wanting to have must not be confused with the visualization that precedes a creative act.

The English word mind is not just intellect (it is often used that way), it contains thinking and feeling and can therefore be translated with the German word Gemüt, which also contains both. Via feeling, among other things, the will aspect comes into play. Divine Mind, translated as Divine Thinking rather emphasizes the mental aspect.

Please note: Thinking alone leads nowhere, there must first be a theme. Feelings are used to choose what to think about in the first place. Preferences such as wishes are usually present here. These come from the emotional realm. Finally, the project must be carried through and in many cases translated into action: this requires willpower, which also comes from the emotional sphere. Thinking and feeling (incl. wanting) are equally important, but thinking (especially higher thinking, intuition) should be the boss - energetically speaking, it is also the higher frequency energy. All this leads to 5D in unconditional love.

Also in science it is necessary to choose one thought in the beginning: the question what should be researched. This results in a working hypothesis, which is verified (proven) or falsified (disproved) by the planned investigation. One cannot simply do research, one must know what one wants to achieve.
The decision can be made intuitively or be justified logically or emotionally. Strictly speaking, in physics only logical justification is allowed, because feelings are despised in science and intuition cannot be justified. In practice, however, it is the case that individual intuitive geniuses advance science thanks to their intuition, and the army of other purely empirical-logical "scientists" only manage the whole thing. As a young university lecturer in Würzburg in the seventies I already discussed these questions with my students. We agreed that without intuition there can never be groundbreaking new results.

The working hypothesis is increasingly often based on the wishes of the donors, which can lead to complacent appraisals that completely discredit science as well as the researchers involved, because they are the opposite of truth. There is no real empirical (experiential) science in which the hypothesis only emerges in the end after the data have been collected and is then simultaneously proved or disproved.
This kind of "science" has only led to the fact that the scientists in question have not researched their basics and are now standing in a void and are not getting anywhere. It is just as fractional as the "science of diagnosis", which is applied by doctors to their patients as orthodox medicine of the individual organs (e.g. as ENT doctor, pulmonologist, haematologist (blood), neurologist (brain and CNS) etc.) and rejects a holistic, holistic view of the human being as an energetic system of the All-THAT-Is. Such scientific approaches get lost in more and more abstruse details or model constructs (e.g. "string theory"), which exist exclusively in the minds of scientists and do not understand the nature of All-That-Is, and therefore of all its parts, which are also energy.

Fundamental questions: What is energy, or rather what is this Dark Energy/Matter, which makes up 95.1% of everything that exists in the cosmos, cannot be answered and the much longed-for world formula that Einstein already dreamed of is for them a distant ambitious dream.
The famous physics Nobel Prize winner Richard P. FEYNMAN (1918 - 1988)
writes in the Feynman Lectures On Physics: "It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge what energy is".
Physics was originally intended to explore "what holds the world together at its core", as Goethe so aptly put it in "Faust". Today, there are only a few physicists who still have this goal in mind, e.g. Fritjof Capra. Most of them just want to measure and calculate. However, since they need money for their research, they like to work for industry (e.g. in CERN for the weapons industry, see link at the end of the paragraph) or invent pseudo-declarations to impress the money-giving politicians and the public. The well-known Nobel Prize winner in physics Robert Laughlin - for whom explanations of nature are "philosophy or religion" - says: "The Big Bang is only marketing".

Georgi Stankov, by discovering the universal law in 1997, has shown that physics will only be successful in explaining nature and becoming a real science if it includes everything that exists. It is by far not enough to investigate only what is physically measurable and deny the existence of everything else.
Such a "science" is deeply unscientific, manipulative and, above all, filled with fear. No scientist dares to break new ground, because he wants to feed his family and pay off his house in a very banal way, and above all because he fears being ostracized - but then that is unscientific - sorry.

What does this have to do with the "MIND"? Physics has failed to include the Divine Mind as the basis of All THAT IS and does not understand the physical nature as its object of study. The same is true to an even greater extent for all sciences of economics and finance, which shape the social and economic life of mankind and of course also for biology including the teachings of descent, e.g. Richard Dawkins. This kind of materialistic agnostic science will perish, just like the world economic and financial system with man and mouse and child and cone. Only then will people be ready to think really holistically and pursue science as real knowledge. Mankind is in dire need of it.

Finally, it should be remembered that human thinking always takes place in the mental field (manasic energy field). Although the physical body is not necessary, the mental field is energetically connected to it and is subject to the limitations of organic matter. The carbon-based brain is only the interface, the transmitter, which receives the information as energy impulses from the mental field and interprets it according to its linear space-time conditioning (through the time delay of the neuronal impulses at the synaptic circuits) in different languages of linear thinking, colored by emotionally supported patterns and finally translates it into actions.
Since the human brain functions very slowly and cannot perceive the simultaneity of all events, it must be transformed into a "crystalline" brain (and body) within the light-body process. This phase transformation, also called transfiguration, can be expected in the near future, if these and other messages already published here are interpreted correctly.